Tuesday, February 10, 2009

God’s Glory has been revealed

I have wonderful news to share with everyone tonight!!

Last evening God’s glory was once again revealed to us. Our dear friend Kylee Grabill received word last evening that her cancer is GONE! She had a test last week (PET SCAN) and the results came yesterday that her body shows no trace of cancer. Her doctor said he has never seen this before. He expected some shrinkage of the cancer and some improvement but he was not expecting it to be gone.

Of course we all were, but it has still been overwhelming to hear those words!!

I wanted to share this with all of you so that you may not only share in our joy but so that you may also see that God’s healing power is real and it continues. This is a true miracle and you have been a part of it. Thank you for your prayers for Kylee. We will continue to pray for her as she finishes out her chemotherapy and begins to prepare for her wedding and the rest of her life.

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Finalization Day

Finalization Day
Here we are on finalization day. A journey that started only a little over a year ago closes today on February 13th, 2007 at the courthouse with Lisa our social worker. Lisa is an angel to our family. Our family is complete. We could not have done it without the help of God, and our friends and families. Thank you to all of our wonderful friends and to our supportive families who made this miracle come true.