Sunday, November 23, 2008


As we enter this week of Thanksgiving I find myself thinking about all of the things I have to be thankful for. I wonder if there will ever come a day when I am not absolutely amazed and touched by the things my children do. I must say 200 times a day how cute my kids are or how smart they are or tell my husband to look at what they are doing or what they are making. I am truly fascinated by them.

I know when they are first born you stare at them and you look at them in amazement. Every blink,every smile every wiggle of every toe brings a smile to a mother's face, but for me that amazement that adornment it hasn't lessened. I am still in disbelief over the blessings that I have in my children. I am so thankful and in such utter disbelief that God has blessed our family so abundantly. I sit all of the time and just look and them and thank God for these three miracles. Children to me, truly are the meaning of life. To me they bring things into perspective. They make so many other worries and stresses seem unimportant. In the faces of our children and in the things they do they just make life so rewarding and so meaningful. All three of them are so unique and so special. Jake the serious, shy, organized one, Griffin the silly, outgoing, creative one, and Araya the feisty, energetic, stubborn one. They can make you smile and cry in the same moment. They are what you would sacrifice your life for in a second, our children. For them I am thankful for.

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Thoughts on Foster Parents

I have heard lot of people talk about Foster Care and Foster Parents. Some positive and some negative. Well I just wanted to share my thoughts on Foster Parenting. I think that the people who truly are foster parents are angels sent from God. Araya's foster mom and dad are the most wonderful people. They cared and loved her from the first 3 days of her life until she joined our family at 4 months old and as told by Karen, Arays'a foster mom those 4 months were not easy! Araya was a difficult baby. She had screaming fits, she had reflux, and she didn't sleep well, but through all that Karen could see the special little girl that lye in Araya's eyes. She knew that through that feisty little baby would stem a feisty little miracle. That miracle is our daughter, and without the love, devotion, and nurturing mother and father God blessed Araya with I would not have the secure stable child that I do today. Araya knew she was loved. She knew in Karen's arms things would be ok and she was safe.

I remember talking to Karen asking her "how could she do it?" "How can you give this precious little baby to another family?", I asked. and she answered me an answer that I will never forget. She said because that is not my role, I am not meant to be her mother, or her permanent family. I am only here to care for her until her real mother and permanent family finds her. (Yeah I know if you can read that without crying then bless you because every time I relive that conversation I cry.)

So for anyone out there skeptical of foster parents. I just wanted to share my thoughts on what angels they are. They are the people who are so selfless that they give of themselves weeks, days, or months of taking care of a child and those times may not be easy but they do it. They are that loving and that amazing that they give of themselves so much that these precious little miracles can be in a secure safe haven until they are united with their family. So I can't imagine a more greater deed of another human being than to give of themselves for the good of an innocent child.

As a matter of fact we bonded with Karen and Rich(Araya's foster dad) and their son Zach so instantly that I knew I always wanted them to be a part of Araya's life. I wanted them to always know the little girl they helped care for. i wanted them to watch her grow and be there for her. That is why we asked them to be Araya's Godmother and Godfather which they graciously accepted. They are wonderful, amazing people who I am forever grateful too for taking such good care of our daughter. She could not have been in better hands.

Foster parents at the Children's Home of Pittsburgh know their roles. They know their boundaries. Their role is to be a foster parent and care for their foster children until they are joined with their family. So I also commend The Children's Home of Pittsburgh on a wonderful program. If you haven't done so you should check out their website on my blog.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Haloween 2008

There's all 3 of the Keller's ready to get some treats! We have Princess Belle, Iron Man, and #23 Northern Bedford's Full back and Line Backer for Team #2

Then there's the twins making their silly faces!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Adoption Celebration November 9th, 2008

The adoption celebration was a great success. I want to express a big thank you to all of the families and children who came out to celebrate with us. I was overwhelmed with emotion and joy. It was especially heartwarming to see the children playing with each other and making new friends. I think we all had a great time talking with each other and sharing our stories. Then many of the kids enjoyed skating and bowling at the park. We also got some TV exposure when WTAJ showed up. I had called them and asked if they could come take some pictures of the event but I had no idea they would do an interview. They did show a clip and explained the event on the 11:00PM Sunday news. I also plan on submitting a picture to the Herald for a follow up story on how the event went. I haven't picked my photo yet but I think there is one at the craft table that will work! Oh that's what else the kids enjoyed. Many made their own crafts to take home with them.

I also want to thank Lisa Richards from SWAN and her family for taking the time to come celebrate with us. I know many of you really learned a lot from Lisa and I hope SWAN may even help some children find the families they have been waiting for. Thank you Lisa!!!

And also a HUGE thank you to Sandra Drenning for helping me with the food and park rental! And then to my volunteers of the day Tonia Grabill, Jalynne Cooney, Mandi and Steve Cottle and my sister in law Kathy Delozier. With out all of you this celebration would not have been such a success. I thank you all for being so special and for touching the lives of others. Oh yeah and Thank you Paul! My husband Paul also deserves a huge thank you for putting up with my ideas and letting me spend time organizing this event and our support group. Thank you honey. I love you!!

Now let me share the photos I have. If anyone has any other photos please send them to me or post on the blog!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

About Cove Adoptive Families

I know there are so many of us adoptive families out there in the Central PA Area and I would love for us to develop a support system where we can get together to support each other, become friends, educate one another, or just hang out and play! I'm hoping to get our group started this month and then maybe we can have a Christmas Party for the kids in December.

This can be a great place for us to share our adoption and parenting resources. Discuss difficult areas such as attachment disorder, racism, sibling adjustment, or any other challenges your family may face.

Also, please take the opportunity to tell us about your adoption stories and show us pictures of your family. You know how us mom's love to brag and show pictures of our children! What better way is there to educate those considering adoption than through the innocence in the eyes of our children. Let's show the world how rewarding and amazing adoption is!!

Welcome to My Blog!

Ok here it goes! I have no idea how to blog so I am going to give it a try. I'll take any advice any of you pro-bloggers can give a newby!

Finalization Day

Finalization Day
Here we are on finalization day. A journey that started only a little over a year ago closes today on February 13th, 2007 at the courthouse with Lisa our social worker. Lisa is an angel to our family. Our family is complete. We could not have done it without the help of God, and our friends and families. Thank you to all of our wonderful friends and to our supportive families who made this miracle come true.