Thursday, November 6, 2008

About Cove Adoptive Families

I know there are so many of us adoptive families out there in the Central PA Area and I would love for us to develop a support system where we can get together to support each other, become friends, educate one another, or just hang out and play! I'm hoping to get our group started this month and then maybe we can have a Christmas Party for the kids in December.

This can be a great place for us to share our adoption and parenting resources. Discuss difficult areas such as attachment disorder, racism, sibling adjustment, or any other challenges your family may face.

Also, please take the opportunity to tell us about your adoption stories and show us pictures of your family. You know how us mom's love to brag and show pictures of our children! What better way is there to educate those considering adoption than through the innocence in the eyes of our children. Let's show the world how rewarding and amazing adoption is!!

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Finalization Day

Finalization Day
Here we are on finalization day. A journey that started only a little over a year ago closes today on February 13th, 2007 at the courthouse with Lisa our social worker. Lisa is an angel to our family. Our family is complete. We could not have done it without the help of God, and our friends and families. Thank you to all of our wonderful friends and to our supportive families who made this miracle come true.