As we enter this week of Thanksgiving I find myself thinking about all of the things I have to be thankful for. I wonder if there will ever come a day when I am not absolutely amazed and touched by the things my children do. I must say 200 times a day how cute my kids are or how smart they are or tell my husband to look at what they are doing or what they are making. I am truly fascinated by them.
I know when they are first born you stare at them and you look at them in amazement. Every blink,every smile every wiggle of every toe brings a smile to a mother's face, but for me that amazement that adornment it hasn't lessened. I am still in disbelief over the blessings that I have in my children. I am so thankful and in such utter disbelief that God has blessed our family so abundantly. I sit all of the time and just look and them and thank God for these three miracles. Children to me, truly are the meaning of life. To me they bring things into perspective. They make so many other worries and stresses seem unimportant. In the faces of our children and in the things they do they just make life so rewarding and so meaningful. All three of them are so unique and so special. Jake the serious, shy, organized one, Griffin the silly, outgoing, creative one, and Araya the feisty, energetic, stubborn one. They can make you smile and cry in the same moment. They are what you would sacrifice your life for in a second, our children. For them I am thankful for.
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